If you’re looking for resources to help you learn Deliverance, you’ve come to the right place! Scroll down for helpful resources like the official “How to Play” video, a digital rulebook, helpful community links, strategy guides, and more!

Learn Deliverance

How To Play Video
This video will teach you how to play in 15 minutes, plus solo mode and Campaign rules!
Share this video ahead of game night to help new players learn the rules, and start slaying foes in no time!

Tactics & Strategy
Are the Forces of Darkness grinding you into angel dust? Here are some helpful articles to aid you!
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Our Deliverance Insider Community will help you overcome the darkness! We’re here to answer your burning questions and celebrate the awesomeness that is Deliverance together.

Choose Your Angel
In Deliverance, you take on the role of an elite angelic warrior, blessed by God with stewardship of epic powers and holy relics to aid you in your battle against the darkness. Each angel has a distinct playstyle and numerous builds, and every angel can also be played solo! Which of the nine angels will you choose?

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