Michael is the courageous captain of the forces of Heaven. Armed with a massive greatsword, the thrill of combat and desire to protect drives him forward, dealing and suffering harm on behalf of his allies.
Health: 16
Strength [STR]: 4
Discipline [DIS]: 2
Wisdom [WIS]: 2Damage: 3/4
Defense: 2/4
Support: 2/4
Difficulty: 1/4Advance (Action. No Cost, Range*): Move up to 2 space. If you have at least 5C, you may move 1 additional space.
Overhand (Action. +1C, Range 1): Deal DIS damage to a demon, then test 7+. On success, gain 1 Courage.
Inner Strength (Action. No Cost, Range 1): Target angel heals WIS damage, then tests 7+. On Success, that target gains 1 Courage.
Mighty Smite (Action. -4 Courage, Range*): Move up to 3 spaces, then deal STR damage to an adjacent demon.
Michael is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield! He is a strong and inspiring lead that fights from the frontlines. Michael’s playstyle is focused on courage generation and fighting back to back with his allies.
Michael is able to generate courage to bolster his abilities starting with his move action. His Advance ability allows players a standard move, but if you have enough courage, you can move an additional space. Michael’s normal attack shows off his swordsmanship and poise in battle. With his Overhand strike, Michael deals damage and then tests to generate courage! Then when Michael needs to dodge and take a moment to reorient in a fight, he looks to his Inner Strength, healing him or another target and then testing to see if he gains another courage! This all culminates into his Mighty Smite! When the momentum of the battle builds up courage within Michael, he is able to unleash a Mighty Smite on his foes, charging forward and then bringing the pain down on his enemy. All of these skills synergize with each other to help build courage then unleash it quickly and precisely.
Angel Lore
The archangel Michael is the field commander of the armies of Heaven, courageously leading his angels into battle as the very tip of the spear against the enemy. While Michael is not the only archangel in Heaven, he is the one the demons fear most. His title reflects this truth, as the demonic hordes cry it out in horror as they flee from him. He has never retreated from a battle, nor has his blade lost a single skirmish. Wielding his mighty greatsword runed with the pure language of Heaven itself, Michael’s presence inspires allies and grants courage to the fainthearted. While his only desire is to glorify the King of Kings, it is God’s design that Michael brings glory to Him through battle until the enemy is crushed underfoot. The prophecy is foretold that even the legendary runed greatsword shall be beaten into a farming tool, and Michael’s hand will never again train in the art of war.
Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle — My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me.
Psalm 144:1-2
Michael’s design drew inspiration from his pivotal role in several battles, including his rescue of Gabriel against the Prince of Persia and the final battle where he leads the armies of angels against Satan and prevails. His tattoos draw inspiration from the tattoos of Christ described in Revelation, and the mark on his forehead of the Trinity alludes to the seal given to every believer in the Great Tribulation.
Azrael uses afflictions on foes to enhance his fighting prowess. While he is able to fight in close combat when needed, he prefers to stay at range and unleash his powerful locust swarm.
Health: 15
Strength [STR]: 2
Discipline [DIS]: 3
Wisdom [WIS]: 3Damage: 4/4
Defense: 1/4
Support: 1/4
Difficulty: 2/4Spectral Walk (Action. First use is free): Move up to 2 spaces. You may add 1 to this movement if Azrael moves through an angel or demon (Maximum 1 bonus movement).
Reap (Action, +1 Courage, Range 1): Deal [STR] damage and add Cursed to a target demon.
Fever Break (Action, -1 Courage, Range 3): Target angel heals [WIS] damage and removes 1 affliction. Once per round, if you remove an affliction from yourself with this skill, it is a free action.
Locust Swarm (Action, -3 Courage, Range 4): Target up to 3 demons. Deal [DIS] damage and add wither to each target.
Azrael is a backline fighter who utilizes the powers of plagues to afflict and damage his foes over time. Having power over these plagues is quite an asset to have on a team of demon fighting warriors as not only is Azrael able to inflict these plagues, he is able to use them to his advantage, healing himself and his allies if they suffer afflictions and removing them at will.
Angel Lore
Azrael has served faithfully since the beginning as the keeper of the plagues, and the fallen ones have long feared his mighty reaping scythe. Though he has never allowed himself to be seen by a mortal, they fear his hand nonetheless.
Rightly so, for it has dealt judgment to many at the command of Almighty God. He has been the subject of legend and given many names – Some call him the Grim, others call him Death, and many that have been slain by his hand know him as a faithful servant of the Lord.
The mercy of God allows Azrael to know the mortal world through closed eyes. When his hand of war is called upon by the King of Kings, the mighty Azrael prays for the day of peace, and slays his foes with a deadly precision.
“His brightness was like the light; He had rays flashing from His hand, And there His power was hidden. Before Him went pestilence, And fever followed at His feet.”
Habakkuk 3:4-5
Azrael earns his name from Jewish tradition, which literally translates to “Angel of God” or “Help from God.” His design plays off some of humanity’s urban legends, and his title is earned from the famous final plague of Egypt in the Old Testament. Though this event was likely a Christophany, the legends of the “angel of death” made a very interesting basis for a fantasticalinterpretation of an angelic warrior in the service of Almighty God.
Christine is a fearless warrioress that often charges ahead of the front line into the midst of enemy combatants. Her powers can level foes foolish enough to get too close to her ...or to each other.
Health: 15
Strength [STR]: 2
Discipline [DIS]: 3
Wisdom [WIS]: 2Damage: 4/4
Defense: 2/4
Support: 1/4
Difficulty: 1/4Shock (No Courage Cost, Range *): Move up to 3 spaces OR deal 1 damage to an adjacent demon.
Clash (Gain 1 Courage, Range 1): Deal STR damage to target demon. You may move that demon 1 space.
Energy Charge (Pay 1 Courage, Range 3): Target angel heals WIS damage and tests 7+. On success, that angel gains empower.
Lightning Stab (Pay 1 Courage, Range 2): Target a space in range. Deal DIS damage to up to 2 demons on or adjacent to that space.
Christine focuses on high damage, in the fray fighting. She can dish out serious hits to enemies and chain that damage to take out large groups at once! She is very mobile and can get from one fight to another with ease. Christine has multiple abilities in her tool kit to bolster her power, and end the fight quickly…just as the lightning strikes, by the time you hear the thunder, its to late and the damage has already been done…
Angel Lore
Christine is one of the four angels charged with control of the great winds, and she is blessed with the stewardship of lightning. Her awesome thunderings call out the truth to the world, and her prowess in battle calls it out to the demons.
She has a special fondness for humanity, and often travels across the world watching over mankind from the skies. She enjoys veiling herself as a human and interacting with them now, but it was not always so. What began as a necessity for her survival became a curiosity. The kindness of an old woman transformed the curiosity into a love and desire to pay that kindness forward to others. As a result, she is frequently first to report the happenings of the world to the angelic scribes of Heaven.
Her blade is lightning incarnate, and her strikes conduct lightning through all. She has been known to command the lightning to heal, but it is whispered that she can pass the great spark through saints and angels alike without causing harm.
Hear attentively the thunder of His voice, And the rumbling that comes from His mouth. He sends it forth under the whole heaven, His lightning to the ends of the earth. After it a voice roars; He
thunders with His majestic voice, And He does not restrain them when His voice is heard.Job 37:2-4
Christine’s powers are inspired from the aspect of God described in Job above, and the angel that “preaches the gospel to the whole world” in the Tribulation. Her design draws much inspiration from Lady Agrias Oaks of a popular video game from the 90’s. Designer’s note: Christine is named and modeled after a very special person in my life - my wonderful wife, who helped me craft Deliverance.
Uriel is a master swordsman that thrives in close combat, scorching his foes with both blade and flame. Blessed with great speed, Uriel uses the fire within to sustain him in battle and fell his foes.
Health: 15
Strength [STR]: 3
Discipline [DIS]: 2
Wisdom [WIS]:Damage: 4/4
Defense: 2/4
Support: 2/4
Difficulty: 1/4Scorch (Free action, then action, no Courage cost, Range *): Move up to 3 spaces, then deal 1 damage to an adjacent demon.
Firebrand (Action, +1 Courage, Range *): Deal [WIS] damage to each adjacent demon.
Inner Fire (Action, -1 Courage, Range *): Heal [DIS] damage then deal 1 damage to an adjacent demon.
Crucible (Action first use, then free action, -2 Courage, Range *): Move up to 2 spaces, then deal [STR] damage to an adjacent demon (After 1 use on your turn, you may use Crucible as a free action)
Uriel is a master with the blade in every sense of the word. Uriel’s kit is perfect for new players starting out with the game looking to have a little bit of everything. Not only is Uriel a great, well rounded Angel, he is also one of the hardest hitting Angels of his team. Every single skill he does outputs damage and is all about utilizing his courage to deal damage in creative ways. Whether it’s moving, healing, or attacking, you will feel the power of the Flame of God as you play Uriel!
Angel Lore
Before opening his eyes to the beauty of the first creation, Uriel was told to gaze upon the fire within. The fire, hotter than a great furnace, serves as a great comfort in the midst of battle.
His foes have given him the title of the “Flame of God,” as it is what they cry out in warning as he approaches. Not only does Uriel ‘s inner fire give him confidence in battle, but it heals his wounds, cauterizing and spurring him to greater action. His flame rises through armor and blade alike, scorching and healing according to his good will. Uriel is a mighty force on the battlefield, using his flaming sword to strike foes with a haste and surgical precision that none has ever proven to rival.
The Flame of God uses his intimidating presence as a shield for his more fragile allies, representing the protection of his God both on the battlefield and off of it.
… and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.
Genesis 3:24
Uriel literally translates to “God is my light.” His design was originally inspired by the guardian of the Tree of Life, but was also heavily influenced by the “angel with power over fire” from Revelation 14:18. While the angel with power over fire and the flaming sword of Genesis 3:24 might not be one and the same, this verse, among others, serves as biblical evidence that some angels have been gifted power over the elements
Mikko is a highly mobile angelic fighter that flows through the battlefield like water, striking enemies as she moves. She relies on skillful positioning to make the most of her deadly spear attacks.
Health: 15
Strength [STR]: 2
Discipline [DIS]: 3
Wisdom [WIS]: 2Damage: 3/4
Defense: 1/4
Support: 2/4
Difficulty: 3/4Ebb and Flow (Passive, Range *): You must move 1 space before OR after using an action.
Jab (Action, Gain 1 Courage, Range 1): Deal [WIS] damage to an adjacent demon. If you move with Ebb And Flow just before dealing damage with this skill, add 1 bonus damage.
Rainfall (Free Action on first use, then Action, Pay 1 Courage, Range *): Move exactly 1 space, then heal [STR] damage from yourself or an adjacent angel.
Typhoon Spear (Action, Pay 2 Courage, Range *): Deal [DIS] damage to each demon that is exactly 2 spaces from you.
Mikko is as graceful as the waters and hits as hard as a raging typhoon! Her playstyle revolves around precise placement and attacks. To fully utilize Mikko’s kit, you will want to have situational awareness that keeps an eye on her allies and foes alike. Much like the rivers, you will need to think on your toes and react to the ebb and flow of battle, constantly shifted by the currents but never thrown off course.
Angel Lore
Mikko has presided over the River as long as it has flowed, and has seen its waters carry life to every corner of the earth. Since Eden, where the River was first broken into four by Almighty God, she has stood as its guardian.
She personifies the current of the River, adopting both its tranquility and turbulence. But while the waters wash over the lands of mankind, Mikko has never set foot on the soil until now. Called upon by the King of Kings to bring a deliverance to the Saints in these last days, Mikko lifted her spear in honor and rose from the waters to answer the call… and the River answered the call with her. With its strength imbued into her spear, Mikko stands against the tide of wickedness that threatens the land. Reports of the angel rising from the waters spread like a flood through the demonic ranks. Her name may have been a forgotten memory, but the legend of her spear still makes them shudder.
And I heard the angel of the waters saying: “You are righteous, O Lord, the One who is and who was and who is to be, because You have judged these things.”
Revelation 16:5
The verse above is one of the cornerstone verses that showcases how angelic responsibilities can extend to physical things on earth. Mikko is a direct result of this understanding. Her powers are inspired of water. Her name is translated to “gift from God” in Hebrew, but also translates to “nimble” in Japanese. Her art is meant to showcase fearsomeness and serenity, juxtaposing peaceful beauty with a dangerous calm, just as a river should be reverently feared for its power.
Sardius is a living volcano empowered with control over the elements of the earth. His arms juxtapose two truths about his power: Raw power of lava flow and glorious flora produced by fertile soil.
Health: 13
Strength [STR]: 3
Discipline [DIS]: 3
Wisdom [WIS]:Damage: 1/4
Defense: 4/4
Support: 3/4
Difficulty: 2/4Shifting Earth (Free action, the action, No Courage Cost, Range *) Move up to 3 different targets on the battlefield 1 space each (saints, angels, or demons).
Smash (Action, +1 Courage, Range *): Deal [DIS] damage to an adjacent demon, gain 1 Shield.
Molten Shields (Action, -1 Courage, Range 3): Target gain [WIS] Shields. When used on Sardius heal 1.
Sinkhole (Free Action, +2 Courage, Range ∞) Move any demons on the battlefield 1 space toward Sardius, deal [STR] damage to nearest 2 demons in range.
Sardius is a tanky angel that carefully plans out where to position his allies and enemies, using his powers over the earth to move willing angels and unwilling foes alike. His control of the battlefield lends him to be a great frontline defender, taking hits for his allies and in turn assigning shields to protect them when he cannot be there! We classify him as a support tank as most gaming terms would describe him, but he is also capable of builds that favor high burst damage and intense destruction, as his volcanic powers would suggest.
Angel Lore
Once a guardian in glory alongside the angel Lucifer, Sardius stood at the head of the defense against the violent onslaught of the mad angel’s hatred during the great fall.
His heroic stand on the battlefield against the infamous fallen angel earned him a vicious set of scars across his chest, which he has elected to keep with the blessing of the Almighty. The scars remind all that gaze upon them of the danger of pride, and that there is no greater expression of love than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
Since that day, a righteous anger has been building pressure inside Sardius. Vengeance upon the enemy is the Lord’s, but he desires to once again lead his warriors to victory in the foretold final war against the rebellious angel and his forces of darkness.
Until then, Sardius patiently keeps his eyes on God for guidance as he throws his strength into shielding friend from foe.
You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
– Ezekiel 28:13
Sardius is the angelic embodiment of Christ’s claim during the ‘Triumphal Entry’ that if people would not worship, “even the stones would cry out.” His design and story draw creative inspiration from the verse above, which is an excerpt from a rebuke of Lucifer. The rebellious angel was given greater beauty than all else in creation, and Sardius was designed with the intent to creatively reimagine the beauty described in this verse.
Gabriel is a nimble messenger that uses his blurring speed to race across the battlefield to support allies with Prayer cover. His gladius keeps foes at range, and his Discus shield has never missed its mark.
Health: 14
Strength [STR]: 2
Discipline [DIS]: 3
Wisdom [WIS]: 1Damage: 2/4
Defense: 3/4
Support: 3/4
Difficulty: 3/4Flight (No Courage Cost, Free Action then Action): Move up to [DIS] Spaces.
Stab (Gain 1 Courage, Action, Range 1): Deal [WIS] damage to target demon.
Field Medic (Pay 2 Courage, Free Action, Range 3): Choose one: Target angel heals [STR] damage; OR you heal 1 damage and draw a Prayer card.
Shield Discus (Pay 2 Courage, First use Free action, then Action, Range 3): Deal [DIS] damage to a demon, then test 7+. On success, deal 1 additional damage to that target.
Gabriel is a fast moving, prayer centered angel that utilizes the prayer action and the prayer cards. The main thing you will be saying as you play Gabriel is “…and I use a prayer card.” Gabriel definitely has one of the most versatile kits of all the angels. He is well rounded and can create multiple builds for any role he needs to be for his team. While he may not hit as hard as some of his companions, you’ll be hard pressed to find an angel more willing to serve his team in any capacity as Gabriel!
Angel Lore
Trusted to the safe and timely delivery of Humanity’s most critical messages, Gabriel has made a name for himself amongst the angels as Heaven’s most reliable postal agent. Though the forces of Hell may rise against him, he has never delivered late.
Gabriel’s encounter with the Prince of Persia is a particularly popular story amongst the angels. Gabriel stood alone against the mighty Fallen Prince for twenty-one straight days, and still delivered on time when he survived long enough for Michael, the Archangel, to come to his aid. When he returned from that legendary mission, Gabriel spent months recovering from his wounds. His armor was utterly destroyed and had to be entirely reforged, save for his great Discus shield, which returned without so much as a dent. Though not created as a fighter, Gabriel is as fleet of foot as any amongst all creation, and seeks to serve with his unique skill set.
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
Psalm 91:4
Gabriel is one of two angels named in the Bible, and was trusted by God to deliver messages of great importance. He told Mary that she would give birth as a virgin to the messiah, Jesus. He gave Daniel a vision of the last days, first revealing the mystery of the “Final Antichrist” and the final great wars to come. His design showcases the ultimate messenger - one that can outpace and outmaneuver foes, and has the defensive capability to survive a devastating sustained attack as described in Daniel 7.
Shula is an angel blessed with stewardship over the element of light. She bends it to her will as she dances with her doves, healing allies with a gentle glow or refracting light into lethal force beams.
Health: 12
Strength [STR]: 3
Discipline [DIS]: 1
Wisdom [WIS]: 4Damage: 3/4
Defense: 1/4
Support: 4/4
Difficulty: 2/4Lightfooted (Free action, then action, Range *): Move up to 3 spaces, then add light to your space.
Starlight (Action, +1 Courage, Range 2): Deal [DIS] damage to a demon. Add 1 bonus damage to this skill if you are in a space with light.
Glow (-1 Courage, Range 3): Add light to a space in a range, then target angel on or adjacent to that space heals [STR] damage.
Force Beam (Action, -2 Courage, Range 4): Deal [WIS] damage to demon, then move that target up to 2 spaces in any direction.
Shula is designed as a support angel that allows her to heal others actively with her skills or passively with light on the board. She is a ranged angel that mainly focuses on maintaining light and working around light based skills. She is able to power up her own attacks and heals with light as well as support her allies over time. Board control and spacing is a huge tool in Shula’s toolkit!
Angel Lore
From the moment God said, “Let there be light,” Shula has been dancing in its radiance. She was created to serve as the keeper of the greater light of the earth, and loves her job. She travels in the light of the Sun to ensure its’ glow feeds the lives of every living thing on the earth, from the plants of the soil to mankind who tills the ground. While Shula’s light is often used to heal, the demons cower from her presence for fear of falling to its flame.
Her dancing has become a beacon of hatred for the wicked ones who often see her pass over them day after day. And while they may mock and ridicule from the darkness, many stories over the millennia have circulated among the demons of the lightwielder sending flagrant demons to the abyss. Shula’s light reflects the hope of the One who gifted it. She is afraid of nothing, for it has long been foretold, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.
Isaiah 9:2
Shula’s concept first began as a fire angel, then morphed into the light dancing warrioress as her concept was refined. Fire and light are quite intertwined, after all! The Bible has a lot to say about what God’s light is and what it does, and science is constantly discovering new truths about the incredible qualities of light. Shula’s doves are a colorful personification of the Holy Spirit, which famously took the form of a dove as He alighted on Jesus after the baptism.
Taolu is the embodiment of the unpredictable nature of the wind. His martial prowess is at its most fearsome as he flows through powerful stances in the midst of his foes.
Stat Distribution (Health/Strength/Discipline/Wisdom): 10/2/3/2
Damage: 3/4
Defense: 3/4
Support: 1/4
Difficulty: 4/4Serenity (Free Action then Action, No Courage Cost, Range* ): Move up to 2 spaces; OR heal 1 damage.
Hard Fist (Action, Gain 1 Courage, Range 1): Gain 1 Shield, then deal [STR] damage to a demon.
Deadened Nerves (Passive, No Courage Cost): Reduce all damage dealth to you by 1 (to a minimum of 1 damage).
Wayfaring Kicks (Action, 2 Courage Cost, Range *) Move up to 2 spaces. Deal [DIS] damage to up to 2 demons on or adjacent to these spaces.
Taolu works to be up close and personal with his enemy. He has a unique skill, Deadened Nerves, that help him mitigate damage and keep pushing on when most retreat for a heal. His fighting stances provide excellent adaptability all while complementing his greatest weapons: his punches and kicks!
Angel Lore
From the dawn of time, Taolu has flowed with the winds. His demonic foes have spoken of him using the title of the Windwalker, though his angelic allies refer to him more often as the prankster of Heaven’s armies.
The Lord gifted him with a unique understanding of humor, which is used so purely that all other angels adore to be near him. He considers it his joyous duty to train other angels in the art of remaining watchful, as his favorite pastime is using the wind on unsuspecting guardians to suddenly tangle them in their robes, like a great cocoon. The acts of the Windwalker may have an extra sense of mirth when training his friends to pay attention, but his foes know the true power of his fury. Many a demonic plot has been foiled by the iron fists of Taolu. Empowered by the winds of the Heavens, he uses his mighty power to slow and thwart even the most deadly of demonic attacks.
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8
Taolu is a playful take on the mystery of the winds. As Christ is quoted above, the winds are a mystery that cannot be unraveled with the senses, likening this to being born of the Holy Spirit. When a spirit leaves the body, mortal senses are not able to discern where it goes, but Jesus makes this clear for us! Taking the form of a whimsical traveler, Taolu’s skills draw great inspiration from notable protagonists of epic martial arts movies.

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